Bourne Primary School

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School Day


  • Gates open 8.30am 
  • Nursery morning session: 8.30am-11.30am
  • Nursery afternoon session: 12.15pm-3.15pm
  • 30 hours - 8.30am  - 3.15pm

EYFS & KS1 / KS2

  • Morning session: 8.40am -11.40pm / 8.40am - 12.10pm
  • Playtime: 10.25am -10.40am
  • Lunchtime: 11.40am -12.30pm / 12.10pm - 1pm
  • Afternoon session: 12.30pm - 3.10pm  / 1pm -3.10pm
  • Whole school reading session: 3pm - 3.10pm
  • Bourne offers a 32.5 hour week to students. 

Before and After School 

Arriving punctually is a vital aspect of our school day, so that children do not miss morning work before assembly at 9am.

No child should be on school premises before 8.30am, unless they are attending a club before school. At the end of the school day children can be collected from the playground.

If your child is not collected promptly at 3.10pm, they will be taken to the  after school club and this will attract the relevant charge (£6.50 until 4.30pm or £10 until 6pm). In addition to this, you will incur a late booking penalty charge of £10. For more information, please refer to the Breakfast and After School Club Terms and Conditions here.

Break Time

  • We are part of the National Fruit scheme. All children in Nursery, Reception and Years 1 and 2 have a free piece of fruit every morning, which is eaten at morning break. Children from Years 3 to 6 may bring fruit from home to eat at this time.
  • Water is available from drinking fountains and water bottle filling stations at break times. In addition children may bring bottles of water from home to drink in class; it must be in a “sports bottle” – either refillable or disposable and clearly named.

 Lunch Time

All primary school children are entitled to a free school meal. Meals must be ordered via the Innovate website on the Saturday before the week ahead. You can view the  menu and order lunches by clicking here

Please note: At present, all children in years Reception - Year 2 MUST have a hot school meal. If you chose the 'Pick & Mix' option (cold sandwich/roll), your child will instead be given a jacket potato with a choice of fillings. 

If you choose to provide your child with a packed lunch, please  ensure it contains no sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks or fast food. 

We are an Allergy Aware School

There are some children here at Bourne who suffer from severe nut allergies, we ask that you support us in keeping them safe by ensuring you pack no products containing nuts in your child's lunch box. 

Pupil Premium Support

Although school meals are now free, we still actively encourage parents to apply for Pupil Premium as it provides vital funds to the school and you will then be entitled to an amount each year towards school uniforms, activities or school trips. All you have to do to check if you are  eligible, is contact the school office and provide some basic details.  Contact us on 01895 462 359.